Sentence dictionary
difficult to fathom
in a sentence
captain fathom
Mills worked as the art director for the 1965 Cambria Productions series, " Captain Fathom ". This animated series was broadcast in Italy in syndication in the early 80's under 2 different...
courtney fathom sell
In 2010, Filmmakers Courtney Fathom Sell & Billy Feldman made a short documentary about the neighborhood. Lower East Side resident and filmmaker Courtney Fathom Sell made " Down Orchard St...
deep fathom
Though reluctant, the Deep Fathom proceeds towards the co-ordinates given. Though slow work, they eventually find the plane's black boxes, which are taken away by Spangler who subsequently...
empire fathom
In 1946, " Empire Fathom " was sold to B W Steamship, Tug & Lighter Company, Craggs & Jenkins Ltd, Hull, Later that year, she was sold to the Great Yarmouth Shipping Co Ltd, Great Yarmouth...
And the enigmatic Richie is too psychologically mixed up to fathom. For Shirley Meneilly, such criticism often seems hard to fathom. This is hard to fathom, even when you see it. Yes, I kn...
fathom curve
Hawaiian yellowfins associate with anchored fish aggregation devices and with certain sections of the 50-fathom curve. It is the closest port to the continental shelf, the 100 fathom curve...
fathom events
Fathom Events released the film for one night in theaters across the United States on August 21, 2014. Fathom Events is working with Woody Harrelson on the 2017 live film " Lost in London ...
fathom five
Fathom Five attacked New York a second time. He appeared three times in the long-running British Full Fathom Five ". Full fathom five thy father lies; The Save Ontario Shipwrecks Ohio chap...
fathom five national marine park
Prior to the creation of Fathom Five National Marine Park, Flowerpot Island was also a part of the park. :: Fathom Five National Marine Park, in Georgian Bay, Ontario, has several shipwrec...
fathom into
In Fathom's case, the idea is to encourage professors to incorporate Fathom into their course work, or suggest the site as a way to bolster their studies. She and her mother, in stepping o...
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